New planning provisions for greyhound facilities on the way

The development of new planning provisions covering greyhound facilities across the State is now well advanced and the next stage will involve public comment on the draft provisions in June. All Victoria’s local government planning schemes include provisions affecting the use and development of land for greyhound facilities. While some provisions are consistent across the…


CEO Monthly Update – April/May 2016

The last month has once again been a very busy and productive time for GRV. We successfully celebrated 20 years of GAP with A Dog’s Breakfast and received wide media coverage about the 20th anniversary. Both our recent GAP adoption days and Little Big Day Outs have enjoyed record numbers and generated good media stories.


Victoria’s greyhounds to race for the ANZAC Day Appeal

Victoria’s greyhound racing community will support the RSL’s 2016 ANZAC Appeal through the Red Dog Run in the week leading up to ANZAC Day. This new campaign will see $250 donated to the RSL by Greyhound Racing Victoria (GRV) every time a greyhound out of the red No.1 box wins any race staged during Tuesday…


Racing Integrity Commissioner Presentations

  During May/June 2016, Victoria’s Racing Integrity Commissioner (RIC), Sal Perna, will again undertake a series of presentations in regional and metropolitan areas of Victoria. These presentations build on those undertaken the previous four years to create a greater understanding and awareness of the role and responsibilities of the RIC, the work the office has…
