There is a registration process that you must follow when breeding.
Breeding Female Registration
All female breeding greyhounds in Victoria are required to be Registered for Breeding prior to being served under GAR 56 (6).
GAR 56 (6): A female greyhound shall not be used for breeding purposes unless registered with a Controlling Body as a breeding female.
To be eligible for registration as a Breeding Female, your greyhound must:
- Be Named;
- Be Micro-chipped;
- Have DNA results
- Have a C5 Vaccination administered within the last 12 months and a copy of the vaccination certificate submitted to GRV (clearly identifying greyhound and showing date administered);
- Be less than 8 years of age;
- Have not had more than 3 litters;
- Have not had 2 or more litters within the past 18 months; and
- Have its Breeder registered with GRV.
If any of the above criteria expires the status of the Breeding female will become inactive. The status will return to active once relevant criteria is met i.e. Updated vaccination record supplied or exemption obtained.

If you intend to register your female for breeding, GRV recommends applying for your DNA kit as early as possible to allow sufficient time for your DNA results to be returned to Greyhounds Australasia (GA) and recorded before your greyhound is in season. For more information contact GA on 03 9548 3500.
The fee to register a female for breeding is $150.00. This fee is paid only for females who have not already whelped a litter. [Note: this fee is currently being waived for all GRV Registered Persons]
Detail regarding applications for exemption from the age restriction and the three litter maximum restriction are available here or contact Greyhound Welfare and Re-homing on 038329 1100.
As a Stud master or FSI approved technician it is crucial that you determine a female is actively registered for breeding prior to conducting a service of any kind. It is your responsibility to ensure the female has an ACTIVE breeding registration by searching her name on FastTrack.
This FastTrack breeding status and icon allows you to proceed with your planned service.
These FastTrack breeding status and icons prohibit you from proceeding with your planned service.
GRV’s Racing Services team can help you in confirming registration details – [email protected] or telephone 03 8329 1100.
Litter Registration (also Microchip/Ear-brand)
Once the result of mating has been lodged with Greyhound Racing Victoria, it is the breeders responsibility to ensure the pups are micro-chipped and ear-branded. GRV will notify you of the Ear-brander that has been assigned to your pups. You will have to contact the Ear-brander and arrange a time for them to come and mark the pups.
Post-Whelping Veterinary Certificate
Under the Code of Practice for the Keeping of Racing Greyhounds, a female greyhound must have a general health check by a veterinary practitioner 6-8 weeks after whelping. GRV have created a template Post-Whelping Veterinary Certificate to support Breeders in ensuring they meet the requirements of the Code of Practice. Ask your vet to complete the certificate when they examine your female and ensure you keep a copy as part of your Greyhound Record.