CEO Monthly Update November 2016

The big news this month is a major reversal on the banning of greyhound racing in NSW. While this is good news for the thousands of people involved in greyhound racing in NSW, the strict new framework for the sport in that State is a clear reminder that we can’t let the pace of reform in Victoria slacken. GRV’s 2016 Annual Report lays out the challenges ahead and the goals that GRV has set to drive a major transformation of the sport.


Year of major reform for Greyhound Racing Victoria

A 400 per cent increase in Animal Welfare Inspectors, a new Investigations Unit, a doubling of samples for prohibited substances, a crackdown on greyhound exports, a substantial program of engagement with greyhound racing participants and a record year for greyhound adoptions are some of the highlights in Greyhound Racing Victoria’s (GRV) 2015-16 Annual Report, tabled…


Regional Stakeholder Engagement Workshop – Traralgon

Greyhound Racing Victoria held the second regional Stakeholder Engagement Workshop, this time at Traralgon on Tuesday 12 October, to explore participant’s thoughts and views on what can be done to ensure all greyhounds have a successful racing career and are then re-homed. 45 people gathered for the workshop to explore three topics: breeding and breeding…


GRV develops Consolidated Rulebook

Work to consolidate GRV’s national and local rules has now concluded. As a result of this work, a small number of minor grammatical issues have been identified for amendment in the Local Rules, Plumpton Coursing Rules and Betting and Bookmaker rulebooks. Copies of each of the rulebooks, incorporating proposed changes, can be found at the…
