This webpage provides information about desexing (sterilisation, spaying, neutering) of greyhounds, including mandatory requirements for desexing greyhounds prior to rehoming, and health advantages of desexing. The desexing of greyhounds before they are re-homed demonstrates responsible pet ownership. It prevents unsanctioned breeding post retirement and rehoming; and demonstrates the industry’s commitment to ensuring the long-term welfare of our greyhounds.
Desexing of greyhounds prior to rehoming is a mandatory requirement under the Code of Practice for the Keeping of Racing Greyhounds, unless the participant obtains a written agreement from the adopter which clearly states they will take on the responsibility for desexing.
GRV has two support mechanisms for all participants to help them comply with the Code requirements:
- GRV’s Desexing and Dental Scheme, which covers up to $500 (incl GST) towards the cost of desexing and dental treatment of a greyhound prior to being rehomed or upon retirement to a participant; and
- the Notice of Retirement as Pet – Transfer to New Owner form which provides a simple way for participants to complete a desexing agreement.

Did you Know?
If you rehome a greyhound without a desexing agreement, your greyhound can be bred with by the new owner. To ensure your greyhound is properly retired, it is important to desex prior to rehoming.
There are many health benefits of desexing for greyhounds, including behavioural changes and prevention of infection of the uterus in females (pyometra) and testicular cancer and prostate issues in males. The Importance of Desexing factsheet provides more information on the health benefits of desexing.