New national rules clarifying thresholds for testosterone in males and arsenic, along with a clarified definition of “presented” for race events, come into force for Victorian greyhound racing from 1 July 2016.
Under new Greyhounds Australia Rule (GAR) 83 (12), testosterone as evidenced by the urinary metabolite 5β-androstane-3α, 17β-diol found in swabs from male greyhounds at a concentration of above 100 nanograms per millilitre will breach the rules to join the previously introduced threshold of 10 nanograms per millilitre in females within GAR 83 (6).
Participants are reminded that Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (e.g. Testoprop, Ropel), Gonadotropins (e.g. Chorulon) and Gonadotropin Releasing Hormones (e.g. Fertagyl) are all Permanently Banned Prohibited Substances under GAR 79A that cannot be (or attempted to be) procured, possessed or administered and use will increase testosterone levels leading to a breach of the threshold.
For more information, visit:
Under new GAR 83 (11), arsenic at a mass concentration above 800 nanograms per millilitre in a sample of urine taken from a greyhound will breach the rules.
For more information, visit:
Clarifying thresholds for testosterone and arsenic strengthens the ability to detect and prosecute for the use of prohibited substances which will improve animal welfare and integrity for the sport.
The definition of “presented” in the National Rules has also been amended to clarify that a greyhound is officially deemed to be presented from the appointed scratching time for an Event until it is removed from the racecourse after the completion of the Event, or is scratched from the Event, with the permission of the stewards.
Any questions regarding the new national rules should be sent to [email protected].
To download the updated National Rules, visit: