On this page you will find information on:

Participating in the greyhound racing industry as a Catcher, Attendant or Trainer can be an extremely rewarding hobby or career, both financially and in terms of personal satisfaction. This is an industry that is passionate about the sport of greyhound racing and even more passionate about greyhounds as athletes and safeguarding the welfare of greyhounds. The benefits of becoming a registered participant include the enjoyment of working with animals, being your own boss, the social aspects of racing and spending a lot of time outdoors.
Before deciding to become a participant, it is important to understand exactly what is involved. Caring for and training greyhounds can be a seven-day-a-week commitment, the hours can be long and being a Trainer or an Attendant may involve lots of travel and, sometimes, an irregular income.
If you are thinking about becoming a Catcher, an Attendant or a Trainer you need to register with GRV and complete any required competencies. For more information about what you need to know, Greyhound Racing Victoria (GRV) has created a series of booklets which walk you through the different aspects of working in the greyhound racing industry.
Becoming a Greyhound Catcher
The role of the Catcher is an important one on race night. The main role of a Catcher is to catch and handle individual greyhounds at the end of a race. It is very important that Catchers understand and are skilled at handling a greyhound at a race meeting.
Prior to becoming a Catcher, it is strongly recommended that you get as much experience as possible, handling greyhounds of varying temperaments. The following booklet contains some useful information about the role of Catchers:
At the Racetrack – Kennelling, Preparing for Racing, Boxing and Catching
If you would like to become a Catcher, you will need to set up a Fast Track Account (if you do not already have one) and click on the ‘Apply to Participate’ tab.
Should you have any queries about the registration application process for a Catcher, please contact Racing Services and Registrations on (03) 8329 1100 or email [email protected].
Practical assessments will be supervised by the Stewards at a time nominated by them. You will need to contact the Racing Services and Registrations Department to make a suitable time for a practical test.

Becoming a Greyhound Attendant
An Attendant is a person who is authorised to be physically in charge of a greyhound at the racetrack. They are responsible for representing a Trainer and carrying out all the responsibilities of a Trainer, such as transporting, boxing, parading, kennelling or catching the greyhounds on race night and sometimes at the trainer’s kennel. Attendants require a minimum level of education before they can attend a greyhound on race day.
To become an Attendant, you will need to register with GRV (contact the Racing Services and Registrations Department) and review some information before completing an online multiple-choice test.
The following series of 6 short booklets provide you with important information on becoming an attendant.
If you would like to become an Attendant, you will need to set up a Fast Track Account (if you do not already have one) and click on the ‘Apply to Participate’ tab.
Should you have any queries about the registration application process for a Catcher, please contact Racing Services and Registrations on (03) 8329 1100 or email [email protected].
Practical assessments will be supervised by the Stewards at a time nominated by them. You will need to contact the Racing Services and Registrations Department to make a suitable time for a practical test.

Becoming a Greyhound Owner-Trainer
Becoming an Owner-Trainer is a big decision. Owner-Trainers are only permitted to train greyhounds they personally own. GRV strongly recommends you seek a mentor within the industry and you have spent some time working with a learning from an experienced trainer before you make the decision to become an Owner-Trainer yourself.
Owner-Trainers need to have the correct facilities, knowledge and skill to care for and train greyhounds they own. The following series of booklets provide important information about being an Owner-Trainer:
If you would like to become an Owner-Trainer, you will need to set up a Fast Track Account (if you do not already have one) and click on the ‘Apply to Participate’ tab.
Should you have any queries about the registration application process for a Catcher, please contact Racing Services and Registrations on (03) 8329 1100 or email [email protected].
Practical assessments will be supervised by the Stewards at a time nominated by them. You will need to contact the Racing Services and Registrations Department to make a suitable time for a practical test.

Becoming a Greyhound Public Trainer
A Public Trainer is the highest level of trainer GRV offers. Public Trainers are permitted to care and train for greyhounds owned by other people. Public Trainers usually have many years of experience as an Owner-Trainer before making the decision to expand their training to include other people’s greyhounds.
As a Public Trainer, you hold a greater level of responsibility than Owner-Trainers and must have an appropriate level of education. You must understand the importance of training contracts, have a greater level of skill in the physiology and anatomy of a greyhound and identifying and treating injury and illness. The following two booklets provide you with additional important information on being a Public Trainer:
If you would like to become an Public Trainer, you will need to set up a Fast Track Account (if you do not already have one) and click on the ‘Apply to Participate’ tab.
Should you have any queries about the registration application process for a Catcher, please contact Racing Services and Registrations on (03) 8329 1100 or email [email protected].
Practical assessments will be supervised by the Stewards at a time nominated by them. You will need to contact the Racing Services and Registrations Department to make a suitable time for a practical test.