If you are looking to refresh your knowledge or are interested in learning more about breeding, whelping and raising greyhound puppies, information provided in the Breeder Resources below will assist.
Based on the Breeders Education Program in support of breeder registration, these eight booklets contain a wealth of practical information on many topics.
Good breeding knowledge and planning are key to the sustainability and success of Victoria’s greyhound racing industry!
- Booklet 1: Thinking About Breeding Greyhounds
- Booklet 2: Developing a Breeding Program – Understanding Genetics
- Booklet 3: Starting a Breeding Program
- Booklet 4: Care and Husbandry in the Breeding Environment
- Booklet 5: Reproductive Anatomy – Getting Pregnant
- Booklet 6: Pregnancy
- Booklet 7: Whelping
- Booklet 8: Care and Early Development
The Code of Practice for the Keeping of Racing Greyhounds requires a breeding plan to be completed prior to service for every litter bred and kept as part of your records. To support participants in the development of these plans, we have provided a breeding plan guide to help you breed successful racing pups.