VIDEO: First Aid for greyhounds (Part 2) – Emergency bandaging
Greyhound Racing Victoria’s second first aid video featuring experienced greyhound vet Dr. Chris Boemo focuses on bandaging.
DetailsGreyhound Racing Victoria’s second first aid video featuring experienced greyhound vet Dr. Chris Boemo focuses on bandaging.
DetailsAs we enter 2017, I think it’s worth reflecting on what’s been achieved over the past year by Greyhound Racing Victoria (GRV) and the sport. GRV has been substantially reformed in line with the recommendations by the Racing Integrity Commissioner and the Chief Veterinarian. Local Rules of Racing have been updated and revised, a new registration framework now better regulates participants and animal welfare rules have been strengthened. More dogs are being re-homed and new breeding controls have been introduced while racing opportunities have been improved for greyhounds of all ages and opportunities.
DetailsHighly-respected greyhound veterinarian, Dr. Chris Boemo features in a brand new video series relating to emergency first aid for greyhounds.
DetailsVictorian participants are reminded of updated hot weather and transport policies which outline their animal welfare responsibilities on race days and trial days and which will come into effect on 12 December 2016.
DetailsThe release of Victorian track injury and euthanasia rates for the first time, in Greyhound Racing Victoria’s (GRV) 2015-16 Annual Report, attracted negative comments, particularly on social media, as GRV anticipated it would. But we are committed to being transparent and accountable and the figures for the last financial year, while quite unacceptable, at least provide a clear benchmark for the industry’s progress in achieving re-homing of dogs bred for racing. I am pleased to report that since July 2015, there seems to be a significant decrease in euthanasia rates and an increase in re-homing rates.
DetailsTen new Welfare Inspectors have joined Greyhound Racing Victoria’s Welfare Inspectorate, boosting the total number of inspectors in the team to 18. The new Welfare Inspectors greatly increase the Inspectorate’s capacity to carry out inspections, to ensure compliance with legislation, the State Government’s statement of expectations and Greyhound Racing Victoria’s rules and regulations, and to…