Feeding, Medication & Supplement Guidelines

WHEN it comes to the feeding, medication and use of supplements involving your greyhound it is vital to follow the guidelines set out to achieve best practise. These guidelines are outlined on the Greyhound Care and Standards website via: http://bit.ly/2axFYZ6. Great care and vigilance must be taken when feeding your greyhound to ensure they are…


Opportunities for Smaller-Scale Participants report

Attended by about 40 participants on Sunday 31 July 2016 at The Meadows, this workshop had a unique format, with no panel and an extended open forum session. The day began as usual with a welcome from GRV’s CEO, Alan Clayton, followed by a presentation by Craig Armstead, General Manager, Club Development & Member Services…


GRV appoints new GM Integrity

Greyhound Racing Victoria’s continued emphasis on integrity and animal welfare has been reaffirmed with the appointment of Shane Gillard as GRV’s first General Manager of Integrity. Under previous GRV structures, integrity, racing and animal welfare had fallen under the one umbrella. Following recommendations from the Perna review, there will now be a separate integrity arm…


CEO Monthly Update August 2016

The phrase “Social License” has been much discussed lately following the NSW Government decision to close greyhound racing in that State. For GRV, it means one thing – if it’s not good for the dogs, it’s not on for the code. Our industry will, and must always, put the welfare of the dogs first, in accord with the expectation of the community. Greyhound racing in Australia has a long and rich heritage, both as a sport and as an important part of many local and regional communities. However, community expectations have changed over the past century and the code must change too if it wants a sustainable future.


Racing Program & Grading report

This workshop was held at the Geelong Greyhound Racing Club on Saturday 23 July, on another cold day – perfect for sitting in the warmth of the club to discuss issues around what participants think of the racing program and how it’s structured, and the grading system and what improvements could be made. GRV’s CEO,…
