The Stakeholder Engagement Workshops continued on Saturday 6 August, this time at Cranbourne, with very constructive conversations and discussions around what ideas participants would like to see developed to help them with education and training.
Attracting the next generation to the sport was raised as an urgent priority, with ideas focusing on creating career paths in the industry through apprenticeships, formal mentoring and Centres of Excellence.
GRV’s CEO, Alan Clayton, welcomed the 50 or so in attendance with a passionate speech on how critical it is that everyone – GRV and all participants – go on a journey of reform together. Then there was a presentation from the General Manager of Animal Welfare, Gavin Goble, followed by a talk from Louise Martin, General Manager of Strategic Communication & Marketing, about how keen she is to hear from participants about how best to communicate to them.
The panel for this workshop was Robert Britton, Trainer; Leeanne Crawford, Breeder; and Barbara Backhoy, Greyhound Vet. Far-reaching and interesting ideas were thrown up by the panel andthe audience, many of which are ripe for development.
The next Stakeholder Engagement Workshop is on Retirement and Re-homing, to be held at The Meadows on Sunday 4 September. For more information, click here.