February 2016
GRV is continuing to build its internal capability and following a major review of GRV’s organisational arrangements, a new structure has been developed that will provide a better balance between GRV’s role in delivering a high quality racing program and its statutory responsibilities for integrity and animal welfare, which will now receive a much greater emphasis. For example, a nationwide search is now underway to identify outstanding candidates for the now vacant positions of General Manager, Integrity and General Manager, Animal Welfare. I will provide more details about GRV’s new structure in the next issue of Greyhound Monthly Victoria.
As part of GRV’s strengthened focus on animal welfare, we have introduced a new hot weather policy which has seen 12 race meetings transferred or cancelled since Boxing Day last year. These decisions are not taken lightly and the new policy is very clear about why and when the transfer or cancellation of race meetings needs to considered. GRV is also now planning a series of workshops over the coming six months on issues such as breeding and breeding controls; rearing; encouraging smaller breeders, owners and trainers to remain in the sport; and extending racing careers for greyhounds. Other workshop topics will include training facilities, trial tracks and racing track layouts and surfaces. The facilitated workshops will give everyone the opportunity to engage in a two-way dialogue, to provide vital feedback to GRV and generate positive and constructive discussion on these important issues. The workshops are expected to be held from mid-March through to the middle of the year.
Greyhound Monthly Victoria, along with the GRV websites and improved member communications, will keep you up to date about these initiatives I’ve mentioned and much more as GRV implements its strategic priorities over 2016 to secure a thriving future for Victorian greyhound racing.
Alan Clayton
Chief Executive Officer
Greyhound Racing Victoria