Breeding: Broodmatrons and young pups
Multiple Group 1 winning Victorian breeder and rearer Barry Smith on caring for broodmatrons and young pups. Read more.
Breeding: The cost of breeding greyhounds
Multiple Group 1 winning Victorian breeder and rearer Barry Smith on the financial cost of breeding a litter. Read more.
Breeding: The basics of successful greyhound breeding
Multiple Group 1 winning Victorian greyhound breeder and rearer Barry Smith on the commitment and sacrifice required to breed greyhounds successfully. Read more.
First Aid for greyhounds: Essential items you need
Experienced greyhound veterinarian Dr. Chris Boemo lists a number of essential items that all greyhound breeders, rearers, educators and trainers should keep in their personal first aid kits in case of emergency. Read more.
First Aid for greyhounds: Emergency bandaging
Experienced greyhound vet, Dr. Chris Boemo explains the importance of knowing how to bandage certain injuries that occur with greyhounds before taking them to a vet as soon as possible for diagnosis and treatment. Read more.
First Aid for greyhounds: Emergency splinting
Respected greyhound vet, Dr. Chris Boemo outlines the importance of immediately splinting an injury if there is any suspicion of it being a dislocation or fracture, prior to definitive diagnosis. Read more.
First aid for greyhounds: Preventing, detecting and treating Acidosis
Acidosis can be fatal, but it is also often avoidable. Leading greyhound vet, Dr. Chris Boemo discusses the condition in his latest first aid video for Greyhound Racing Victoria’s Care & Standards website. Read more.
Racetrack stars do make great pets
Many successful race dogs have been accepted into the Greyhound Adoption Program and been adopted by Victorian families. Read more.
Greyhound Adoption Program: How pre-entry assessment tests work
To be accepted into Victoria’s increasingly popular Greyhound Adoption Program, greyhounds need to meet and interact with a small breed of dog in a safe, controlled environment without trying to grab the small dog. Read more.
Greyhound Ownership and Accountability
Greyhound Racing Victoria strongly encourages anyone considering buying into a greyhound pup or race dog to first consider its future beyond the racetrack. This includes the possibility of adopting your greyhound as a pet or, at the very least, having a hands-on involvement in preparing him or her for the Greyhound Adoption Program.
Preparing your greyhound for the Greyhound Adoption Program
Socialising retired racing greyhounds with other dog breeds in a controlled environment can go a long way towards ensuring he or she is accepted into the Greyhound Adoption Program, and goes on to live a long and happy life as somebody’s pet.
GAP’s 21st Anniversary
21 TODAY: Founders blown away by growth of Greyhound Adoption Program. Read more.