Victorian greyhound industry participants will have a two month transitional period from 1 December 2015 to get ready for new National Rule provisions covering registration of breeding females through a Breeding Identification Card, also known as a Pink Card.
The amended Greyhound Australasia Rules (GAR), effective from 1 December 2015, includes GAR 127 (6) through to (12), which requires Victorian participants to register female breeding greyhounds with Greyhound Racing Victoria (GRV) to ensure they are eligible to breed.
GRV recognises that the introduction of the Pink Card registration requirements is a major change for the industry that will require preparation by breeders, studmasters and owners to ensure they are compliant with the new provisions.
To help Victorian participants get ready for the new registration requirement, a two month transitional period will apply to the commencement of registration requirements under GAR 126 (6) through to (12), beginning on 1 December 2015 and finishing on 1 February 2016.
This transition period will give participants time to prepare for registering all breeding females with GRV so that they are compliant with the new Pink Card registration requirements from 1 February 2016.
GRV will step up its industry information initiatives and provide more support for participants on the ground to help them comply with all National and Local Rules while continuing to monitor the impact of the amended National Rules.
To find out more about the new national rule changes and to have your say on proposed changes to GRV’s Local Rules, visit: