Victorian participants are reminded of updated hot weather and transport policies which outline their animal welfare responsibilities on race days and trial days and which will come into effect on 12 December 2016.
To assist participants who are transitioning to air-conditioned trailers, GRV has put in place transitional arrangements for a period of three months (12 December 2016 – 12 March 2017) to provide additional time for participants to undertake works to their trailers to comply with the new requirements for air-conditioning on heat affected days.
During the transition period, if a participant doesn’t have access to an air-conditioned trailer and they need to transport greyhounds where their travel is heat affected, GRV will permit transportation in trailers without air-conditioning if:
- The participant does not have an air-conditioned trailer and can’t reasonably get access to one, and
- The trailer is fitted with a properly fitted and functioning power-assisted ventilation system that operates throughout the entire journey, and
- A thermometer has been fitted to the inside of the trailer and the temperature is checked and recorded in a log book at the start of the journey, at each break and at the end of the journey.
Participants are reminded that regardless of the form of transport used, the internal temperature of a vehicle or trailer transporting a greyhound must be maintained at 32 degrees or lower.
Participants who do not currently own an air-conditioned trailer are encouraged to seek access to, and use of, alternative forms of compliant transport.
Further information can be found at