We would like to gently remind all participants that the new rules came into effect on 1 July, 2023. We encourage you to review the new rules and ensure that you comply as prescribed. It is your responsibility to work within the bounds of the new rules.
Your feedback via consultation
We would like to thank you for your response and feedback during the consultation phase of the new rule development, back in April. Your feedback has formed a valuable input and consideration in the final version of the new local rules.
Approach and focus
Greyhound Racing Victoria will support all participants through an education and guidance approach during the early implementation stages of these new rules being applied. Our aim is to ensure that you fully understand the updated local rules and be accompanied by appropriate communications.
Overview of the local rule changes
To commence on 1 July 2023
New local rule: Fines and debts.
This is a change to an existing local rule to promote prompt payment of outstanding fines and enable GRV to:
- set off prizemoney with unpaid fines or debts owed, and/or
- prevent a participant from nominating a greyhound owned or trained until an outstanding fine or debt is paid, and/or
- cancel or revoke a licence, registration or permit granted to any person who has not paid any imposed within 90 days of due date for payment or repaid prizemoney owing to GRV within 90 days of formal demand for same.
The new local rule received overwhelming support through the consultation process.
FAQ: Fines and debts
Q. Can I pay my fines online?
A. Yes, log into your FastTrack account and go to ‘My Finances’, then go to ‘Outstanding Fines’ – here is where you can see your fines that require payment. Hit ‘pay’ you can then pay using your bank card.
Q. I am already on a payment plan; will this remain in place?
A. Yes, if you’re already enrolled in a payment plan, it will continue to be in effect.
Q. Will the new rule be retrospective, and apply to fines received prior to 1 July, 2023?
A. Yes, the new rule applies for all fines and/or outstanding debts.
Amendment of local rule: Definition of presentation.
This is a change to an existing definition to clarify the definition of presentation such that where a greyhound is presented for an Event in Victoria and requires a sample to be taken, the event period extends notwithstanding the scratching of the greyhound and while the greyhound remains at the racecourse.
After consideration of feedback, the proposed rule was amended to align with NSW’s local rule position to help clarify that a swab could not occur long after race day.
New local rule: Preferential box draw.
This is a new rule to accommodate the potential use of preferential box draws. The new rule is aimed at minimizing and/or mitigating the risk of racing injury due to greyhound’s preferences to gain inside or outside racing positions, in particular at the commencement of the race.
The proposed new rule received variable feedback with more information about how the rule would be implemented a common theme. Information about its implementation will be provided, and continuously reviewed, during GRV’s proposed pilot of the use of preferential box draws.
We anticipate commencing the pilot before years end of 2023, however, will communicate with you leading up to this period. Preferential box draw races will be identified within the monthly racing calendar.
To commence on 1 October, 2023
New local rule: Frequency of starts.
This is a change to an existing rule to ensure better welfare outcomes and mitigate the risk of greyhounds being raced very frequently.
The new local rule builds on the national rules preventing consecutive days racing, satisfactory trials and/or coursing, by imposing the maximum number of starts that a greyhound may have across a given period:
- One (1) event, race or satisfactory trial in 2 days (current national rule), and
- Two (2) events, races or satisfactory trials in 7 days (new local rule), and
- Seven (7) events, races or satisfactory trials in 28 days (new local rule).
Note in relation to coursing, one ‘Event’ is any number of courses on the same day at a coursing meeting.
The feedback for the proposed rule changes was overall positive, with some suggestions with regards to types of events and frequency. These matters will be monitored post implementation of the rule and will inform future consideration of changes to this rule.
To accommodate process changes to support implementation of this rule, and enable participants to become familiar with its impact, GRV has determined to delay commencement of this rule until 1 October 2023.
Amendment to Plumpton’s Rules of Racing (Coursing).
Although a part of the new local rule consultation, changes to the Coursing rules will not take effect until 1 October 2023, post the current coursing season.
Click here for a detailed view of these rule changes.