Greyhound Racing Victoria is introducing new National and Local Rules, which will come into effect from 1 November, 2024.
The new National and Local Rules include changes that relate to:
- the removal of ear brands as a method of greyhound identification,
- breeding,
- prohibited substances,
- registration and eligibility requirements,
- racing Integrity, and
- misconduct offences.
In response to feedback during consultation, minor changes were made to some Local Rules as proposed to clarify intent.
Visit Rules of Racing to view the new Rules.
Note: Greyhound Australasia updated rules will be available from 1 Nov 2024.
Additional Explanatory information – Local Rules
LR 18.2.5 - Application Process
The Board considers all the information available to it when considering a person’s application for registration. This may include conduct that has not been subject to prosecution or a finding of guilt.
When deciding on the level of weight to give such information, the Board will take into account matters such as:
- the passage of time,
- the nature of the conduct,
- the level of evidence,
- an individual’s participation in the greyhound racing industry (if applicable), and
- any other relevant matters.
The rule makes it clear that inappropriate luring and baiting conduct is considered by the Board, and provides express power for the Board to refuse an application if it believes there is sufficient information available to support that decision.
Should the Board refuse an application, the applicant has appeal rights if they believe that the Board has not properly formed an opinion.
LR 25 - Use of a Greyhound Property or Residence
In response to feedback, this rule was amended to clarify that the rule applies where the disqualification or suspension is ‘current’.
This rule clarifies the situation where a person has to apply to the Board for approval to undertake greyhound related activities at any other greyhound property, in addition to the residence of, a person whose registration is cancelled or suspended.
The rule no longer applies after the expiry of that cancellation or suspension.
LR 27.1.3 - Greyhound Property conditions
In response to feedback, this rule was amended to remove the reference from ‘policies’.
The rule ensures the Board has adequate powers in relation to greyhound properties and in ensuring that the properties are fit for purpose.
The Board has sought to assist participants when complex issues arise, but have not previously had broad enough powers, other than to deem the property is not fit for purpose and refuse the application.
The rule provides the Board with the flexibility to deal with these types of issues and impose any necessary conditions, including those that that may need to be met at a future date, and allow an application.