Greyhound Racing Victoria has updated its Penalty Guidelines for greyhound welfare offences.
GRV released the Penalty Guidelines – Greyhound Welfare 2018 in draft form for public comment last December.
Eight submissions were received. Comments varied from largely in favour of the new penalty ranges, to those that considered they were too high. GRV’s Board, which considered the feedback and provided further opportunity for key stakeholders to discuss their concerns with GRV, which has now endorsed the document.
The guidelines, which update an earlier document released in 2014, outline a range of penalties for greyhound welfare offences committed within the greyhound racing industry. They have been developed to assist GRV personnel when they are making decisions about taking enforcement action.
Welfare offences will continue to be treated on an individual basis and aggravating and mitigating factors, such as prior offences, remorse, cooperation and action taken, will be considered.
The guidelines cover five categories of offences that range from the least serious Category 1 offences to the most serious Category 5 offences. Penalties range from a $1500 fine to life disqualification and a $7000 fine for every greyhound affected.
The guidelines are available here.