Date: 23/01/2024
Stewards Activity
Offences & Activity | November 2023 | December 2023 |
Marring | 21 | 17 |
Fail to Chase | 38 | 33 |
Satisfactory Trials Cleared | 29 | 29 |
Satisfactory Trials Not Cleared | 6 | 15 |
Samples (Swabs) Taken | 1071 | 853 |
Positive Swabs from RASL | 8 | 4 |
VRT Positive Swab Cases Heard | 2 | 8 |
VRT Appeals Heard | 1 | 0 |
VRT Stay Applications | 0 | 0 |
VRT Animal Welfare Cases Heard | 1 | 0 |
VRT Misconduct Cases Heard | 1 | 1 |
Stewards’ Hearings Heard | 2 | 1 |
POCTA/DAA Prosecutions | 0 | 0 |
VCAT Stay Applications | 1 | 0 |
VCAT Appeals Heard | 0 | 2 |
Swabbing Numbers
- Swabs taken 2022 – 2023 financial year (01/07/2022 – 30/06/2023) = 11272
- Swabs taken 2023 – 2024 financial year = 5764
Prosecutions Overview
Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Calven Russell – VCAT Appeal, Stay Application 21 November 2023 – GAR86(q), GAR86(o), GAR86(p), GAR106(1)(c), LR42.1, GAR106(1)(a), Mr Russell requested a stay of the penalty decision made at the VRT hearing on 12 October 2023. VCAT refused the stay application.
Anthony Ebeyer – VCAT Decision 13 December 2023 – GAR104(6)(c) & GAR86(d), engaged in betting transactions while acting in an official capacity at Healesville between January and September 2021 and made a false statement in relation to the investigation. On 15 February 2023, the VRT imposed a 12-month disqualification and a $500 fine. VCAT varied the VRT’s decision to a 9-month disqualification and a $1000 fine.
Joseph Abela – VCAT Decision 18 December 2023 – LRR42.9(a), LRR42.6 & GAR86(o), between 2016 and 2019, failed to comply with rehoming and euthanasia requirements in relation to four (4) greyhounds and engaged in misconduct relating to the retirement of nine (9) greyhounds. On 30 March 2023, the VRT imposed a total suspension period of 15 months. VCAT varied the breakdown of the VRT’s decision, with the total effective penalty remaining a 15-month suspension.
Victorian Racing Tribunal
Gavin Burke – VRT Hearing 1 November 2023 – GAR141(1), failed to present the greyhound “Savvy Bee Chaser” free of the prohibited substance ‘Arsenic’ for an event at Traralgon on 20 January 2023. Mr Burke pleaded guilty. The VRT imposed a 6-month suspension, wholly suspended for 12 months, and a $1000 fine. “Savvy Bee Chaser” was disqualified from the event.
Vanessa Johnson – VRT Appeal 9 November 2023 – GAR124, the greyhound “Fernandes Mac” was charged with failing to pursue at The Meadows on 1 November 2023. Ms Johnson pleaded not guilty. The VRT dismissed the appeal.
Natalie Presutto – VRT Hearing 15 November 2023 – GAR141(1), failed to present the greyhound “Boomburst” free of the prohibited substance ‘Oxazepam’ for an event at The Meadows on 11 February 2023. Ms Presutto pleaded guilty. The VRT imposed a 3-month suspension, wholly suspended for 24 months, and a $1000 fine. “Boomburst” was disqualified from the event.
Lewis Green – VRT Hearing 15 November 2023 – GAR21(1)(d), GAR21(2), GAR21(1)(c) & GAR151(1), On 2 September 2022, Mr Green failed to provide three (3) greyhounds with veterinary attention, failed to prevent unnecessary pain and suffering and failed to provide kennels in a clean and sanitary condition. Additionally, Mr Green failed to maintain treatment records on 10 January 2023. Mr Green pleaded not guilty to all charges. The VRT found Mr Green guilty and imposed a total suspension period of 8 months, in addition to a $300 fine.
Ivan Chircop – VRT Hearing 16 November 2023 – GAR156(i) & GAR156(f)(ii), engaged in misconduct when interfering with the Weighing Test at Ballarat on 10 April 2023. Mr Chircop pleaded not guilty. The VRT found Mr Chircop guilty and imposed a 3-month suspension, with 1 month suspended for 24 months.
Gary Sciortino – VRT Hearing 1 December 2023 – GAR141(1), GAR142(1), GAR148(1) & GAR164(a), failed to present the greyhound “Rogue Temptation” free of, and administered, the prohibited substance ‘Meloxicam’ for an event at Warragul on 24 November 2022. Additionally, Mr Sciortino possessed the unregistered substance ‘FUEL – Extreme Energy Source’ and provided falsified treatment records between August and December 2022. Mr Sciortino pleaded guilty only to the presentation and administration charges. The VRT found Mr Sciortino guilty on all charges and imposed a 3-month suspension, wholly suspended for 24 months and a total fine of $5000 with $4000 suspended for 24 months. “Rogue Temptation” was disqualified from the event.
John Mangion – VRT Hearing 4 December 2023 – GAR141(1), failed to present the greyhound “Diversify” free of the prohibited substance ‘Methylprednisolone’ for an event at Bendigo on 28 December 2022. Mr Mangion pleaded guilty. The VRT imposed a $3000 fine with $1500 suspended for 24 months. “Diversify” was disqualified from the event.
Leslie Kenyon – VRT Hearing 8 December 2023 – GAR141(1), failed to present the greyhound “Lily Crackers” free of the prohibited substances ‘Amphetamine’, ‘4-Hydroxyamphetamine’, ‘Methamphetamine’, ‘Oripavine’ and ‘Thebaine’ for an event at Geelong on 30 December 2022. Mr Kenyon did not appear. The VRT found Mr Kenyon guilty and imposed a 12-month disqualification. “Lily Crackers” was disqualified from the event.
Tammy Kennedy-Harris – VRT Hearing 12 December 2023 – GAR141(1), failed to present the greyhounds “Quincee Bale”, “Pinjarra Bale” and “Udellar Bale” free of the prohibited substance ‘Guaifenesin’ for events at The Meadows, Warrnambool and Geelong on 21 January 2023, 28 February 2023 and 5 April 2023, respectively. Ms Kennedy-Harris pleaded guilty to all charges. The VRT imposed a total penalty of a 2-month suspension, wholly suspended for 24 months, and a $3000 fine with $500 suspended for 24 months). “Quincee Bale”, “Pinjarra Bale” and “Udellar Bale” were disqualified from the events.
Jake Dean – VRT Hearing 12 December 2023 – GAR141(1), failed to present the greyhound “Send Me Dizzy” free of the prohibited substance ‘Arsenic’ for an event at Healesville on 15 March 2023. Mr Dean pleaded guilty. The VRT imposed a 6-month suspension with 4 months suspended for 24 months. “Send Me Dizzy” was disqualified from the event.
Christine Ithier – VRT Hearing 13 December 2023 – GAR141(1), failed to present the greyhound “Sidewinder” free of the prohibited substances ‘Chlorothiazide’ and ‘hydrochlorothiazide’ for an event at Healesville on 27 January 2023. Ms Ithier pleaded guilty. The VRT imposed a $500 fine. “Sidewinder” was a late scratching from the event.
Alan Bayliss – VRT Hearing 14 December 2023 – GAR141(1), failed to present the greyhound “Missy Ha Ha” free of the prohibited substance ‘Gabapentin’ for a Whelping Trial at Bendigo on 10 May 2023. Mr Bayliss pleaded guilty. The VRT imposed a $2000 fine with $1500 suspended for 24 months. “Missy Ha Ha” was disqualified from the trial.
Rodney Clark – VRT Hearing 14 December 2023 – GAR141(1), GAR142(1) & GAR151, failed to present the greyhound “Aston Handley” free of, and administered, the prohibited substances ‘Caffeine’, ‘Theophylline’, ‘Paraxanthine’ and ‘Theobromine’ for events at Shepparton and Bendigo on 4 March 2023 and 10 March 2023, respectively. Mr Clark pleaded guilty to all charges. The VRT imposed a 4-month suspension, wholly suspended for 24 months, and a $1000 fine on each charge. The VRT directed that all penalties are to be served concurrently. An additional fine of $300 was imposed for failing to record a treatment in treatment records. “Aston Handley” was disqualified from the events.
Lorenzo Carbone – VRT Hearing 20 December 2023 – GAR34(1), GAR156(f)(ii) & GAR165(a), Between November 2022 and January 2023, Mr Carbone failed to keep greyhounds at the registered address of the owner, failed to ensure the property where greyhounds were housed was compliant with welfare requirements and attempted to transfer ownership of a greyhound to someone he had not met. Mr Carbone pleaded guilty to all charges. The VRT imposed a total suspension period of 6 months.
Stewards’ Hearing Reports
Alice Barrett – Stewards Hearing 3 November 2023 – GAR165(a), On 6 October 2023, Ms Barrett kept 13 greyhounds in poor condition, being underweight and living in non-compliant housing. Ms Barrett pleaded not guilty. Stewards found Ms Barrett guilty and warned her off for a period of two (2) years.
Daniel Webber – Stewards Hearing 20 November 2023 – LRR42.9(a) & GAR105, Between June 2020 and September 2021, Mr Webber failed to notify GRV of the deaths of three (3) greyhounds within two (2) working days and failed to notify GRV of the location of a greyhound. Mr Webber pleaded guilty to all charges. Stewards imposed a total fine of $1000, with $500 suspended for 12 months.
Brent Merton – Stewards Hearing 1 December 2023 – GAR165(a), On 1 December 2023, Mr Merton engaged in conduct that was detrimental and/or prejudicial to the interests and image of greyhound racing by speaking in a loud and hostile manner and acting aggressively towards a registered participant at the Healesville Greyhound Racing Association. Mr Merton pleaded not guilty. Stewards imposed a 3-month suspension, with 2 months suspended for 24 months.
DISCLAIMER: The content on this page was accurate at the time of publishing.