Why does GRV issue policies and guidance documents?
GRV has primary responsibility for regulating greyhound racing in Victoria and is granted explicit authority and powers to make rules through the Racing Act 1958.
Sometimes rules will need an accompanying explanation to aid understanding or for clarity, and in these cases GRV may develop either a policy or write guidance. For example, GRV’s Transportation of Greyhounds Policy provides participants with explicit detail of GRV expectations of a safe and healthy environment for transporting greyhounds by road.
Policy documents represent GRV’s official interpretation or view of specific issues and are enforced through the GRV rules.
Guidance documents are published to further clarify rules and help participants understand GRV’s requirements.
Do GRV policies have to be followed and are they enforceable?
Yes, policies must be followed. A failure to comply with a policy adopted by GRV is an offence under GAR 156(w) in the National Rules.
Guidance documents do not have the authority to be enforceable.
Where can I find GRV policies?
A list of policies which have been issued or adopted by GRV can be found here.