Code of Practice
One of GRV’s roles as a regulator is to guide and support participants to meet the various obligations and responsibilities as they relate to their participation in greyhound racing, including those outside the Rules of Racing such as the Victorian Government’s Code of Practice for the Keeping of Racing Greyhounds.
If you have questions about the Code of Practice, please call Racing Services on 03 8329 1100, email [email protected] or fill in the form below.
EHMP Renewals:
Under the Code of Practice for the Keeping of Racing Greyhounds (The Code), every property where active greyhounds are kept, requires a valid Establishment Health Management Plan (EHMP). EHMPs document your planned approach to many aspects of caring for racing greyhounds, such as vaccination programs, dental management, preparing greyhounds for retirement and more.
Every EHMP must be reviewed annually by the person in charge of the establishment, and must be renewed every three years, even if no changes are required.
As EHMPs have been required since January 2020, many are due for renewal. It is important to remember that without a valid EHMP, you are in breach of the Domestic Animals Act and the Code, and may face penalties.
How to renew your EHMP:
Please examine your EHMP to work out when it expires.
A template EHMP which was designed to be compliant with The Code, can be found here. If you do not wish to use the template, you can design your own, but you must ensure it is Code compliant.
Please note, when renewing your EHMP, you must have a new copy signed; it is not acceptable for expired EHMPs to have new dates and signatures added.
If you do not have a printer, you can obtain a blank copy from your nearest Greyhound Racing Club.
Once the relevant sections are completed, it must be signed by the person in charge of your property, and a registered vet.
Then, it must be declared online, by clicking the ‘submit’ button found above on the right.
You do not need to send your completed EHMP to GRV; it must be kept at the property and be presented on request by a Steward or GRV Officer.
For more information, updated FAQs can be found below.
If you are unsure about any of these requirements, contact [email protected], or phone Racing Services on 03 8329 1100, and you will be directed to someone who can assist.
Need more blank protocol pages? Click here to download a single blank protocol page that you can save, copy, complete and print as many as you need.
Keeping Greyhound Records now even easier!
A Greyhound Record is created in FastTrack for all greyhounds bred in Victoria, and can be accessed from your MyDogs page once a greyhound has been added to your FastTrack kennel (Kennel Return). To use Greyhound Record on FastTrack, log in to your account at
Some participants choose to keep these health and veterinary treatment records on paper, so to make this process more straightforward, GRV has now made available a simplified manual template that participants can use, along with a handy reference table of Injury, Illness and Health Management event types, locations and treatments that matches the options in FastTrack.
For more information on the Greyhound Record, or to request printed copies of the simplified Greyhound Record template:
- call Racing Services on (03) 8329 1100
- email at [email protected]
- visit Downloadable Templates – Greyhound Record below
- enquire at your local greyhound race club.
FAQ: Everything Code and EHMP
Please find below frequently asked questions relating to Code of Practice, EHMP (Establishment Health Management Plan), Vets and the Code of Practice as well as the Greyhound Record.
View FAQ | Download PDF
Note: Discussions between GRV and Animal Welfare Victoria have confirmed that you are not required to submit your EHMP to GRV. You are only required to submit the EHMP Declaration.
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The Code of Practice
What is the Code of Practice?
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Why is there a Code of Practice?
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What do I need to do to comply with Code of Practice?
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EHMP (Establishment Health Management Plan)
What is an EHMP?
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Who has to complete an EHMP?
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I am at a property with other participants, but I use separate facilities. Do I need my own EHMP?
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The person who completed the EHMP for the property where I kennel my greyhounds is now disqualified. Is the EHMP they signed still valid?
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I only have retired pet greyhounds at my property. Do I need an EHMP?
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My kennel address is different from my home. Do I need an EHMP for both addresses?
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What if I change address?
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How do I complete an EHMP?
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I don’t have a printer. How can I obtain a physical copy of the EHMP template?
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I already have an EHMP for my property, but it has expired. Can I just get the vet to re-sign the original?
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My vet and I have signed my new EHMP, what do I do now?
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Vets and the Code of Practice
What do Vets need to do under the Code of Practice?
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Do EHMPs need to be approved in person?
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Does the approving vet have to be a participant’s usual vet?
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Greyhound Record
What is the Greyhound Record?
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Is it part of the Code of Practice?
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What do I use the Greyhound Record for?
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How does a greyhound get a Greyhound Record?
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How do I access them?
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What if my greyhound is from Interstate?
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Who will have access to the Greyhound Record?
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Do I have to use the online Greyhound Record on FastTrack?
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What if I've been given a copy of a greyhound’s record on paper, but I want to use the online version?
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What happens to the Greyhound Record when the greyhound moves to a new establishment?
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Can I upload an attachment to the Greyhound Record?
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What if I make a mistake when adding an Event to the online Record?
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Can I edit an event after I have saved it to the online Greyhound Record?
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What if the greyhound receives treatment arranged by someone who doesn’t have access to the Greyhound record?
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